Gonorrhea pdf diagnostico participativo

Another factor to take into account is that the gonorrhea test by pcr allows to reduce the window period until about 4872 hours after being exposed to the bacteria, due to the high sensitivity of this test with respect to other screening tests. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease std that can infect both men and women. Cdc std treatment manual 2010 gonococcal infections. Gonorrhea neisseria gonorrhoeae wisconsin department of health. Thus for every 100 successfully treated cases of gonorrhoea, about 400 hiv infections would be prevented over a decade. What is the economic burden imposed by antimicrobial. Gonorrhea is communicable from the time the infection is acquired until adequate treatment is received. Gonorrhea is spread by having vaginal, anal, andor oral sex with someone who has it. Presentacion ciclo comunal diagnostico participativo contraloria social plan comunal. It is contracted by exposure of a mucous membrane such as the vagina, urethra, anus, and the throat. Afecta principalmente las mucosas del aparato genital y urinario, pero. Gonorrheaa sexually transmitted disease with growing. Men with urethral gonorrhea are generally symptomatic.

Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted disease std caused by neisseria gonorrhoeae, a bacterium that multiplies easily in mucous membranes in the. O diagnostico participativo deve captar tambem as potencialidades locais, ou seja, as vocacoes e as vantagens da localidade em relacao a outros lugares. Gonorrhea, sometimes referred to as gc, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by. Babies can get gonorrhea during birth if the mother has it as well. Gonorrhea is transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex.